About Us

Bhandari Homoeopathic Stores, New Delhi, is the oldest homoeopathic retail outlet in India. It was originally established in 1948 at Faiz Bazaar, Delhi. However, it came into its current avtaar in the year 1973 at Connaught Place, New Delhi. Bhandari


Consultation with an experienced homoeopath is not half the journey towards cure.  It is actually the entire journey to a cure. At BHS we give our patrons direct one on one interaction with Dr. K. K. Bhandari. Dr. Bhandari’s  case


Homoeopathy was discovered by a German Physician, Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), in the late eighteenth century. It is a therapeutic system of medicine premised on the principle, “Similia Similibus Curentur” or ‘let likes be treated by likes’. Homoeopathy

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