Agrimony : For those who hide their worries with a brave face. Restless at night. Seek companionship to escape from and forget worries. Resort to alcohol or drugs under stress.Aspen : Vague fears. Fears of death and darkness. Sleep walking and talking.Beech : Intolerance. Critical. Lacks in humility and sympathy. Exacting, must have order and discipline everywhere. Lonely, keeps to oneself.
Centaury : Timid. Lacks will power to refuse the demand of others and becomes a willing slave. Servile instead of being a willing helper.Cerato : Doubts about own ability . Distrusts own judgment. Repeatedly seeks the advise of others. Changeable. Talkative, always asking questions. Tendency to imitate.Cherry Plum :Desperation. Fear of mind giving way. Verge of nervous breakdown. Fear of suicide. Fear of losing control and reason. Fear of insanity. Possibility of violent impulses.
Chestnut Bud :Failure to learn from past mistakes, repeating the same errors. Tendency to repeat what has already been told.Chicory : For people who are possessive, selfish and easily offended or hurt. Dislike being alone, want constant attention. Talkative, irritable people, who enjoy arguments.Clematis : Daydreamers, who lack interest in the present. Inattentive, drowsy, heavy sleepers. Prefer to be alone. Avoids difficulties by withdrawing.
Crab Apple : Feeling of despair. Feels mentally and physically unclean. Despondent if treatment fails. Has trivial thoughts.Elm:For those who, although fulfilling their responsibility in life, become despondent at times, feeling that the responsibility is too great. This causes weakness and debility.Gentian : Negative outlook. Melancholy, doubt and discouragement, when things go wrong or when there are difficulties. Especially suited for discouraged school children.
Gorse : Great hopelessness and despair after being told that nothing more can be done about a problem or illness. Continually bears pain and suffering, convinced that conditions are inherited and will not improve.Heather : Self centered and self concerned persons. Poor listeners. Have little interest in suffering of others. Dislike being alone. Obsessed with own ailments and problems. Sometimes weepy.Holly : For those who suffer from feelings of hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion and revenge. Bad temper, aggressiveness. Greed.
Honey Suckle : For those who dwell too much on memories and events of the past. Great nostalgia. Homesickness. Especially suited to widows, orphans and the senior citizens who have to live alone.Horn Beam : Weariness and mental fatigue. Doubts about one’s strength to fulfill one’s daily tasks. Tiredness.Impatiens : Impatient , irritable and nervous nature. Wants to do everything in a hurry. Accident prone, due to carelessness. Prefers to work in solitude.
Larch : Lack of self confidence. Convinced that one will fail, can never succeed or do as well as others. Extremely useful before exams.Mimulus : Known fears of everyday life. Fear of death, accidents, poverty, animals, public speaking and several other fears.Mustard : Depression or gloom without any apparent cause. Feeling of hopelessness, despair and accompanying melancholy.
Oak : Depression suffered by brave and strong people, who fight relentlessly against adversity without losing hope. People who overwork and hide their tiredness.Olive : Complete exhaustion due to overwork, or overexertion. Cannot enjoy work or things that used to give pleasure.Pine : Self reproach and guilt for all that has gone wrong. This guilt takes all the joy away. Discontent with achievements, despite being a conscientious worker.
Red Chestnut : Fears and over anxiety about the welfare of others. Fear that a calamity may befall them. Negative thoughts and apprehensions; especially of parents, towards their children.Rescue Remedy : Useful in emergencies. Can be used in cases of mental and physical shock, hysteria, fainting, burns, accidents, nightmares, terror. A great first-aid remedy.Rock Rose : Extreme fear, terror or panic, from an accident, or its spectacle. A child’s terror from a nightmare.
Rock Water : Hard task masters. Those who practice too rigid a discipline. Over-concentration on self; want to set examples for others to emulate.Scleranthus : Indecisive people, who cannot make up their mind. Persons of varying moods. Unreliable individuals who waste time and opportunities. Prone to car, air or sea sickness.Star of Bethlehem : Shock in any form. Due to an accident, a bereavement, or a distressing sight. Helps bereaved persons in coping up with their grief and sadness.
Sweet Chestnut :Extreme despair and mental torture of those who have reached the limit of their endurance. For those who are totally taken over by exhaustion and loneliness. Future looks completely dark, no hope.Vervain : Useful for the strain and tension felt by those over enthusiastic people, who have fixed and rigid ideas. Perfectionists. Sensitive to injustice. Mind always racing, trying to tackle too many things at the same time.Vine : Dominating persons, who force their will on others. Craves power; greedy for authority. Disregards others’ opinion. Expects absolute obedience. Aggressive pride.
Walnut :Useful in the transition stages of one’s life- teething, puberty, menopause. A link-breaker, that frees bonds and breaks old habits. For definite people who at times are led away from their own goals and work by the strong opinion of others.Water Violet : Quiet , self-reliant and capable people, who tend to become too aloof and proud. They suffer and bear grief in silence.White Chestnut : Persistent unwanted and worrying thoughts. Mental arguments. Mind lacks concentration, is preoccupied. Sleeplessness.
Wild Oat : Dissatisfaction and uncertainty in those, who although talented, cannot choose their course in life. Of assistance in selecting a career.Wild Rose : Resignation and apathy. No desire to change anything about self, like illness, occupation. Happy to be as they are.Willow : Resentfulness and bitterness. Blames everyone else but himself. Always points fingers at others for his misfortune. Sulking, grumbling, spreads gloom and despair. Ungrateful persons, who have no interest in the affairs of others, except decrying them and being unkind to them

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Tel. : 011 23360260, 23742450Tel. : 0124- 4235223
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